International Sportscar Federation (ISF), Indyslotcar, SHMUC (Super Hot Mod Unlimited Championship), American Racing Alliance (ARA), and other racing world stories by esteemed commentator: Steve "The Wrench" Ratchett

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
ISF Rookie De-Slot Rules 2018
The ISF is all about competitive racing and having fun. For those new drivers that might be intimidated that they haven't been racing for a long time like other drivers and might be intimidated to try, here are rules to allow them more seat time and to not worry about crashing out of the race after only a few laps.
All the league rules are the same for rookies for racing except the following:
1. Any rookie driver gets unlimited deslots in heat races, and B-main (after every fourth de-slot they will serve a time penalty just like veteran drivers)
2. Floor rule stays in effect for rookies in B-main and final.
3. Rookie Drivers get 20 deslots in final race instead of 12.
4. At the end of their rookie season, or 16th race whichever comes later, the veteran drivers vote on if they are no longer a rookie (thanks JW for this idea)
5. Drivers that have rookie status revoked by veteran drivers receive four extra deslots per heat and finals for all races up to and including their 25th ISF start.
(this rule is forfeited by the driver if they no longer run on a regular basis. They then fall into the categories below)
6. Once a driver completes 25 races they receive the same amount of deslots as veteran drivers
7. Drivers that return to the league but have more than 16 previous starts but less than 40 starts (i.e. Cory or Nic)
get an extra four deslots in the heats and finals for any one-off appearance, or the first eight races in the season in which they return full time, or total of eight races over two seasons if they are part-time racers
8. Drivers who have been away from the series for three years or more and have more than 40 starts (i.e. Chad Sorce or Jim Iverson), receive an extra four deslots in all heat races and finals for one-off races, or for a total of five races in their first season if they are returning as full or part-time drivers
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