International Sportscar Federation (ISF), Indyslotcar, SHMUC (Super Hot Mod Unlimited Championship), American Racing Alliance (ARA), and other racing world stories by esteemed commentator: Steve "The Wrench" Ratchett

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Potential 2013 ISF Movie Titles
The 2013 ISF Season Review movie is being produced by Ev's Vivid Imagination Pictures again this year.
As a fun bit of publicity the studio is asking for submissions from ISF fans on Facebook what the title of the movie should be.
Past titles have been
ISF Season Review: "We ain't adding X's here"
ISF Seasn Review: "Ev Don't go"
ISF Season Review: "Mike Blows Seals"
So far nominees for the 2013 movie are:
"I have nothing against Mark in this series"
"Did we race this year"
"Jota Doublay Showcase"
"He did what in his cup?"
The ISF title is always a bit quirky but fun.
Also to be decided is the soundtrack.
I understand Slim Whittman and Enya are being considered, however what is leaked by the studio is NEVER what actually becomes the soundtrack.
It's not bad being in the pits!
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