International Sportscar Federation (ISF), Indyslotcar, SHMUC (Super Hot Mod Unlimited Championship), American Racing Alliance (ARA), and other racing world stories by esteemed commentator: Steve "The Wrench" Ratchett

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Kamikawa Back to Ferrari in 2014
Ferrari ISF announced Ferrari super star Everet Kamikawa will once again pilot one of their Italian marquee's ISF F1 racers in 2014. The deal is believed to be a two year deal.
After swearing that he wouldn't return to the red cars after the prancing horse hired Fernando Alonso the champion was asked why he returned.
"They brought back Kimi in F1 and he is a champion so they did the same with me in the ISF," Kamikawa started explaining. "I hate Alonso because he only won his two F1 titles because in 2005 the FIA changed the tire and pit stop rules to stop Ferrari. Then he won in 2006 because his team cheated for half the season and he had his teammate cut Schumi's tire for good measure at the last race just so Schumi wouldn't be able to end his career with a win. Then the Mclaren design scandal which he was the star turncoat for the FIA. Then Crash gate at Renault where he once again provided the evidence to sell out his team. Now he can't haul Ferrari F1 up the grid. Remember how he couldn't pass Petrov in Abu Dhabi? Now that Kimi is back I feel the team will improve. I don't think it will be pretty. Kimi's calm demeanor will drive the fiery temper of Alonso nuts. Kimi won't give way to Alonso. Alonso will get mad and leave or Kimi will just say screw it and leave. Either way I want a front row seat for this show. Oh yeah, the new car should be pretty good too.
Steve the wrench Ratchett
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